A Global Festival

The most innovative 24 hours in the world of facilitation

Innovative Facilitation

NeverDoneBefore explores the edges of the art and craft of facilitation by challenging assumptions about what makes workshops work. 

Our facilitators take the risk of testing novel concepts and new ideas instead of pushing best practices and polished methods. 

NDB Community

Our shared agreements


We respect our shared purpose, our time, each other's uniqueness, and ourselves.


We are willing to take risks, step playfully into the unknown whilst staying true to ourselves.


We are generous with our knowledge, ourselves and each other.

A Community of Facilitators

NeverDoneBefore is a community for those who are curious to leave the beaten tracks of facilitation to grow beyond what we know. To this end, NeverDoneBefore provides a brave space to try, fail and learn.

We come together not to compete, but to collaborate so that we – and the world – can benefit from our combined skills and insights. This is a celebration of the art of purposeful facilitation.  

We can change the world – one workshop at a time.

The most innovative 24 hours

in the world of facilitation!

NeverDoneBefore is Different

At other conferences you get best practices, polished speeches and keynote talks. NDB is different. 

At NDB we dare to try, play with boundaries, assumptions and methods and set the trends together. 

At our live Festival, you get access to the un-explored and the experimental edges of facilitation. Together, we debrief each session, both facilitator and participants alike.

You emerge into a whole new world

With your Festival Pass, you become part of the global community that creates a unique experience to celebrate the art of facilitation in a ‘never done before’ spirit.

A look back in time

Last year’s festival was co-created by a collective of over 100 global practitioners – Together we created a magnificent experience.

A Rich Programme

The 2022 programme is in the making. We will be following the theme

The Facilitators’ Greenhouse:

💎 Bi-weekly NDB workshops – hosted by workshops work podcast guests
🌱 Special Seedling workshops – curated by Michelle Howard 
🧑‍💻 Weekly co-working sessions – on Welo
💚 Monthly NDB Spa Sessions – hosted by Patrick Cowden
🚀 Monthly Feed Forward Sessions – hosted by Júlio Maria Muhorro 
💡 Demo Sessions of new online collaboration tools
🦸 The NDB Mentorship programme to prep you for your own NDB workshop
🎡 The NDB Festival – Of course … and the 🌟 Afterglow programme 2022

Dr Myriam Hadnes



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