Join the NDB Community
NeverDoneBefore is a community devoted to explore the edges of the art and craft of facilitation by challenging assumptions about what makes workshops work.
Our facilitators take the risk of testing novel concepts and new ideas instead of pushing best practices and polished methods.
In 2022, NDB follows the theme of “The Facilitators’ Greenhouse“: A year-long community programme of exploration, experimentation, learning and sharing that culminates in the 24-hours NDB Festival on November 18, 2022.
The programme emerges as a result of a year-long co-creation process. The earlier you join, the cheaper the price and the more you can contribute to the co-creation and shape the programme. The NDB Greenhouse includes bi-weekly NDB workshops – contributed by workshops work podcast guest – as well as a mentorship programme, monthly gatherings, demo sessions … and much more that is still to emerge.